WBL Forms
Welcome to the Work-Based Learning Resources Page!
On this page, you'll find all of the electronic resources students, parents, and internship supervisors will need to document a student's internship experience. The required forms are numbered in the order they are due below.
Required DURING the internship for 2nd Semester:
1. STUDENT Internship Agreement (Should be completed by student. Complete when internship is approved.)
2. PARENT Internship Agreement (Should be completed by parent. Complete when internship is approved.)
3. EMPLOYER Internship Agreement (Should be completed by employer. Complete when internship is approved)
4. JANUARY Time Sheet (Should be completed by student. Due February 1)
5. FEBRUARY Time Sheet (Should be completed by student. Due March 1)
6.Progress Report #1 (Should be completed by employer. Due March 21)
7.MARCH Time Sheet (Should be completed by student. Due April 1)
8.APRIL Time Sheet (Should be completed by student. Due May 1)
9.MAY Time Sheet (Should be completed by student. Due May 9)
10. Progress Report #2 (Should be completed by employer. Due May 9)