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Staff Directory

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Anna Adams

PE Teacher & Athletic Trainer

Pilar Adams

SPED Instructional Assistant

Dedric Anderson

Computer Lab Proctor

Aprel Barron


Sharon Beeks

Special Education ASII Teacher

Shelby Bergandine

English Teacher

Adrienne Berry


Melanie Billings

Instructional Assistant

Angela Blevins

Science Teacher

Ashley Bolduc

Testing Coordinator

Michele Bond


Daniel Boone


Robert Boyd

Teacher - football

Douglas Brooks

YCHS - Teacher

Laura Brooks

YCHS - Teacher

Hannah Bryant

Social Studies

Melina Burkell

Teacher -

DeOvion Burris

Instructional Assistant

Brittany Byrd

Asst - Instructional

Kathy Carter

Food Service Operator

Teddy Childers


Ronnie Chisholm

Long Term Sub

Shannon Clinton

Asst Principal FDJTC

Chad Cooksey


Tim Cooper

Instructional Technology Services Coord.

Rahchele Copeland

Career Development Facilitator

Patricia Costner

Food Services

Colleen Cottom

Teacher 6th ELA

Angela Covington

ITE Teacher 7th & 8th Gr

Melissa Covington

Mental Health Counselor

Flora Crawford


Kaleigh Crump

Instructional Assistant

Jason Currence

Teacher - CATE

David Darby


Sadie Darden

Instructional Assistant

Amber Daves

Teacher - CATE Health Sci

Leslie Davis

Math Teacher

Lisa Davis

Guidance Counselor

Robin Dawkins

Guidance Secretary

Andrew Dean

YCHS - Teacher

Matthew Deegan

Teacher Resource

James Douglas

Academic Support Assistant

Wilma Dover

Food Service

Charles Drakeford

Assistant Principal

Carrie Elliott

Choral Teacher

Darlene English

Food Service Operator

Robert Farris

Coordinator of YOA

Meaghan Ferguson

YCHS - Teacher

David Frintner

Teacher - Social Studies

Jamell Gaines

Job Coach

Shirley Gallman


Gail Gamble

ISS Coordinator

Marian Garner

YCHS - Teacher

Diana Gaskins

Math Teacher

Fallon Gaston

Cosmetology Instructor

Kayla Gilfillan

Teacher 8th Gr Alg Team8-3

Pamela Gilmore

Food Service

Gary Good


Michelle Graham


Heather Green

Teacher -

Lee Green

Director - FDJ Tech Center

Nathan Green

PE Teacher

Katherine Greenway

Teacher Agriculture

Jessica Gregory

Teacher -

Danelle Hagen

Business Teacher

Adam Hare

PE Teacher

Gail Harrington

FDJTC - Teacher

Anita Harvey

YCHS - Teacher

Gerald Herbert

Academic Support

Shirley Hicks

Food Service Operator

Codey Hilton

Science Teacher

Jessica Hines

Long Term Sub

Regan Hood

Social Studies Teacher

Christin Hudson

Attendance Clerk

Tracey Hudspeth


Bryan Hullender

Dean of Students

Cinthya Hungerford

Spanish Teacher

RoseMary James

Academic Support

Sandoval John

Food Services

Belinda Johnson

Teacher - Science

Brittany Johnson


Jacquelyn Johnson

Teacher - SPED Virtual

Richard Johnson

YCHS - Guidance Counselor

Sandra Johnson

Principals Secretary

Jennifer Jonas

Food Service

Erica Key

Teacher - English 9th-12th

Kimberly Khlebopros

Academic Support

Pierre King

Resource Officer

Colleen Kinley

Math Teacher

Lauren Klepinger

YCHS - Teacher

Tamberly Knight

Food Service